Driver distraction is a serious road safety issue. It is often the initial cause of a chain of events that results in serious road trauma.

There are many potential causes of driver distraction: objects, events, or activities both inside and outside the vehicle can cause distraction.

This campaign focuses on passengers and drivers questioning the use of mobile phones when behind the wheel. — NZTA

The New Zealand Transport Agency decided to put together a PSA “Hello," to put things into perspective about driver distraction, and boy did they ever. "Put your passengers first. Drive Phone Free,” is a message that transcends around the world.

Distraction by cell phone is an issue that’s only began to really plague society in the last decade or so, cell phone use while driving is a distraction, period. I’m sure at some point we’ve all been guilty of it, rather in the form of talking, texting, and etc. Some situations worse than others, but a distraction of any magnitude is simply that, a distraction.

Before you pick up that phone while driving, think about the safety of others in the car, as well as your own. I don’t care who gets mad with me, I make a big deal about it when I’m riding with someone that they put their damn phone down. You have to use expletives with some folks, because their understanding tends not to be so good.

Hopefully this PSA compels you to put the phone down while driving.

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