A senator is keeping the Sunshine Protection Act in the forefront to stop the clock changes so Louisiana and the country can stick to Daylight Saving Time.
Louisiana Senator John Kennedy's latest slap was directed at President Joe Biden blaming media for low popularity ratings and his decisions on border security.
Today in Tha Wire don't look now but FOX News announced they've fired their #1 cheerleader, Stacey Dash. One things for sure...it wasn't because she's black.
Today in Tha Wire former actress Stacey Dash cursed while bashing the Presidents Oval Office address on terrorism. The FOX correspondent said he doesn't give a sh**.
Jon Stewart is always quite outspoken when it comes to matters affecting Americans, he let major news networks have it for their “shock” over the recent Baltimore riots.
Jon Stewart of Comedy Central’s ‘The Daily Show,’ gives Fox News the hard facts about racism and the issues in Ferguson, of which they seem completely oblivious to.
I don't condone violence of any sort whether it's a man abusing a woman or vice versa. Another thing that I do not support is an individual who lives for the benefit of themselves. This is exactly what happened when a guy was with his girl who was intoxicated and being aggressive and the boyfriend wasn't interested. She then decides to throw herself from his car, you gotta see it to believe it.
While Stacey Dash is not hard on the eyes, she is not the brightest light bulb in the pack. She has officially become affiliated with Fox News and just like those guys, she is looking for a way to stay relevant. Check out what she had to say about Kanye West latest rant on stage.