According to TMZ, Birdman is suing Jay Z’s Tidal over Lil Wayne’s Free Weezy album, citing it’s use to save the music streaming services alleged “struggling" business.
Have you joined the 'fad club' when it comes to your health? Like fashion, diets come and go. Don't set yourself up for failure. Make healthy living and eating a lifestyle and not a fad.
Do you have any set-backs when it comes to working out? What's holding you back? Once you identify the set-back, you can put it behind you and start moving.
The first check mark in living a healthy life style starts with, discipline. Training yourself to remove all temptations with setting up rules and regulations for yourself.
The definition of believe, is to have confidence or faith in. So, YOU have to believe in YOU even when nobody else does. Wanting to live healthier takes a lot of faith, patience, strength and conditioning.
The thoughts of others will always keep you worried and feeling unworthy. Stop thinking about what others think of you and find out what you need to think about yourself.
If you let your mind control your body, that's fine but choose to do positive things. Don't let fear control your daily life. Learn from mistakes and work on you daily.