April 24 Election: Today’s Last Day To Register To Vote In Person
April 24 is a very important election for the state of Louisiana. Voters will select or re-elect candidates running for U.S. Congressional and state legislative offices. Those elected will go on to be determined as the winners in November.
Today is the last day to register to vote in person or by mail. If you want to make a difference in selecting the United States Congress, here is that opportunity. Saturday, April 3 is the last day to register to vote online. Please note these deadlines are for those voters who want to change the current registration and first-time voters.
Early voting for the April 24 election is from 8:30am to 6:00pm Saturday, April 10 through Saturday, April 17 (excluding Sunday, April 11). Check your voter registration or register to vote online at www.GeauxVote.com or in person at the Calcasieu Parish Registrar of Voters Office.