Local T-Shirt and Decal Shop Gives Away Free COVID-19 Decals
Monday, Governor John Bel Edwards announced Louisiana along with 23 other states in the U.S. have had an increase of COVID-19 cases. More and more are losing ground and moving backward in combating the virus. Edwards said this is not the direction we want to be moving in and because of that, the state will stay in Phase Two operations for another 28 days.
With the COVID-19 virus on the rise throughout the nation, many states are hitting the pause button on Phase Three plans. To help stop the spread, doctors and scientists highly advise social distancing and wearing a mask are imperative. If you have a business and want to encourage your customers to wear a mask before entering, you can get a free decal to display on your window. KillerDye Custom T-shirts & Stickers Lake Charles is doing their part to protect the community.
They are currently giving away cool "where you mask" window and door decals to area businesses requiring masks. Residents are welcome to pick up decals at their shop at 1214 Common Street from 9:00am to 3:00pm daily. For more info call (337) 497-1450.