Make the Candidates Earn Your Vote During Election Time
Currently, there is an election going on in Lake Charles. There are several potential candidates running for City Council positions and the Mayoral seat is also up for grabs as well. When it comes to this time of the year, there are always commercials running where one is talking about the other candidates. Many are speaking negatively against their opponents. However, when it comes down to it, what will these candidates actually do for your vote?
I am a firm believer that election time is the exact time for you to pull them aside and ask them what their plans are for your vote. They need the community support behind them when it comes filling those seats. But what are they running on? We all want great things for Lake Charles. We want more jobs, higher wages, and equal opportunities for everyone.
So it is our right to speak with someone running for an elected position and find out what platform they are running on. I have never been a fan of talking down on someone else. I want to know what you are going to do. Why should I vote for you in this upcoming election?
The Lake Charles election is March 20. There are plenty of great people running. Some are new faces who could potentially be the change we need, but we need to make sure we are choosing the right person to represent all of the people once they are elected. So make sure the person you vote for speaks for you and is willing to work for your vote.
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