Man Enters Church Waving Gun, Heroic Pastor Saves The Day
A place that is supposed to be a sanctuary for many to gather and fellowship became a horrific scene for those in attendance this past Sunday in a Tennesse church. The video below shows a young man, later identified as Dezire Baganda, who casually walked into the church and started brandishing a gun towards the congregation.
Over the years there have been several traumatic events in the states where massacres have occurred in Churches with the shooting at Emmanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina with Dylann Roof killing 9 people.
If you watch the video courtesy of by Michigan television station Fox 17, below you will notice that the gunman came up behind the culprit to help diffuse the situation. A heroic man, Pastor Ezekiel Ndikumana of the Tennessee-based church took a chance, and rushed the gunman to the ground, and allowed for other members of the church to help take the gunman down until help was rendered by police.
As of earlier today, Baganda was to appear in court and is now facing 57 counts of felony aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. What's truly sad is that events like this cause havoc in the lives of many. It can also have a trickling effect on safety and security issues for those involved. What is going on in the world, and what can be done to counter things like this from happening again? Thankfully, the Pastor reacted fast, but you can believe there will be caution, and possibly more precautions taken to protect the lives of those who attend future services with this church and many more.
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