Friday, February 24, Netflix premiered the new horror comedy, "We Have a Ghost." This is an original movie written and directed by Christopher Landon and based on a 2017 short story by Geoff Manaugh called “Ernest.” I have been waiting on the flick to debut because it reminds me of one of my favorite movies by Eddie Murphy movie "Haunted Mansion."

Then I realized both movies not only had similar storylines but they both were filmed in Louisiana! On top of that, "We Have a Ghost" also stars (Marvel) star and New Orleans native Anthony Mackie. Other cast members include (Stranger Things, Violent Night) David Harbour, (The White Lotus, Legally Blonde) Jennifer Coolidge, and (Everything Sucks, The Upside) Jahi Di’Allo Winston.

More than 500 movies have been filmed in Louisiana, and that is not surprising given the unique landscape and architecture. "We Have a Ghost" is the latest film shot in the Bayou State and entirely in Ascension Parish, mainly in Donaldsonville and New Orleans!

Something you may find interesting, David Harbour, who plays the ghost Ernest, had a real-life supernatural moment while filming the movie! In the interview below, the actor explains he was living in a house in New Orleans while they were filming the movie, and the house he was staying in had a real ghost! He said he didn't believe in ghosts until he started filming this movie and moved to the famous city. Check it out!

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