RZA’s Rep Says He ‘Still Continues to Support’ Azealia Banks
Following his admission that Russell Crowe did spit at Azealia Banks at the infamous Hollywood party a year ago, and Banks prompt request to for him to drop dead following the admittance, RZA now wants it to be clear that he still supports Banks, even though her remarks were "unbecoming."
"The derogatory posts against my client RZA by Azealia Banks is unwarranted and beyond that — unbecoming," RZA's publicist said in a statement, according to XXL. "RZA, from the moment he met Ms. Banks, bet on her to win. So much so that when others felt she would be too much trouble to work with on the film Love Beats Rhyme, he disregarded what had been said and looked beyond her well documented controversies moving forward with securing her as his lead."
The publicist then again, offers RZA's version of events about what went down at that party a year ago.
"Her introduction to Russell Crowe at his private party resulted in Banks going on a salacious mission to disparage him and RZA," the publicist continued. Playing the race card and anything else she could."
The publicist goes on to say that RZA remains in support of Banks, in spite of everything that's happened.
"I represent RZA and found it necessary to state he would never have done what he has in support of Ms. Banks to put her in a position to be harmed, ridiculed, demeaned, or treated in an inhumane way. And still, he continues to support her."
It's been reported that Azealia Banks has been diagnosed with bi-poloar disorder but RZA's publicist feels that her reported condition is no excuse for her behavior.
"Regardless of any rumored conditions she may have, I feel there is no excuse for this type of behavior, therefore I feel obligated to let the record show that RZA has tried his best to support Ms. Banks," the publicist concludes. "Taking the high road is not an easy task when someone constantly slanders you, but he has."
Alrighty then. Hopefully this is maybe the end of this saga? If history has taught us anything thus far, it probably isn't.
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