Hurricane Beryl is forecast to move into the Gulf of Mexico today and then move toward South Texas. However, impacts from the storm will be felt in Louisiana.
One respected tropical forecast outlet is already suggesting that residents of coastal Louisiana and Texas will face multiple tropical threats in 2024.
The NHC has released a new cone of uncertainty graphic they want to test during the 2024 hurricane season. Louisiana and Texas should know what it looks like.
A tropical low just south of Louisiana is expected to bring an increased threat of storms and heavy rain to coastal sections of the state later tonight.
An area of concern has captured the attention of tropical forecasters as they monitor an area of disturbed weather in the Gulf of Mexico south of Louisiana's coastline.
The National Hurricane Center is monitoring an area of disturbed weather south of Louisiana that could become the next named tropical system in the Gulf of Mexico.
Development of a tropical weather system in the Gulf of Mexico off the Louisiana coastline is now a more likely according to the National Hurricane Center.