What You Need To Know – The Louisiana Gubernatorial Primary Election
For 20 years, Louisiana has had a Democrat governor, from 1877 to 1980. Likewise, for 24 years, Republicans have held the governor's office from 1976 to 2020. Both parties took the seat back and forth throughout the decades. Many of the Louisiana Governors have served more than one term. The current Governor, John Bel Edwards (D), is one of them. He was first elected in 2015 and re-elected in 2019.
This November, his term will end. Governor Edwards was first elected in 2015 and re-elected to his second term in 2019. Several candidates want to win his seat. Saturday, October 14, 2023, voters will decide who is suitable for the job. That is one of the main reasons why this election is vital. EVERY registered voter, young and old, needs to show up to the polls. Governor Edwards is endorsing former Louisiana DOTD Secretary Dr. Shawn Wilson (D) as his successor.
Other front-runner candidates running for Louisiana Governor are Jeff Landry (R), Hunter Lundy (I), and John Schroder (R.) Louisiana voters to decide on a new candidate to lead our state.
Despite the long list, some clear front-runners have pulled ahead of the pack. These four candidates have established substantial campaign momentum and media attention in making their run for Louisiana's next governor. Dr. Shawn Wilson (D) was endorsed by Governor John Bel Edwards, Jeff Landry (R), Hunter Lundy (I), and John Schroder (R.)
Voters across the state will decide on various city and state government seats and municipalities, Police jurors, local judges, Parish sheriffs, constitutional amendments, and more. Below is a look at what will be on the ballot for Calcasieu Parish voters to decide on:
Lieutenant Governor
Elbert Guillory - Republican
"Tami" Hotard - Republican
Willie Jones - Democrat
(Incumbent) William "Billy" Nungesser - Republican
Bruce Payton - Independent
Gary Rispone - No Party
Secretary of State
"Gwen" Collins-Greenup - Democrat
"Mike" Francis - Republican
Amanda "Smith" Jennings - Other
Thomas J. Kennedy, III - Republican
Nancy Landry - Republican
Arthur A. Morrell - Democrat
Clay Schexnayder - Republican
Brandon Trosclair - Republican
Attorney General
Lindsey Cheek - Democrat
"Marty" Maley - Republican
"Liz" Baker Murrill - Republican
John Stefanski - Republican
Perry Walker Terrebonne - Democrat
John Fleming - Republican
Dustin Granger - Democrat
Scott McKnight - Republican
BESE District 7
Cathy S. Banks - Republican
Kevin M. Berken - Republican
Erick Knezek - Republican
State Senator 25th District
Mark Abraham - Republican
Josh Lewis - Democrat
State Senator 27th District
Jeremy Stine - Republican
State Senator 30th District
Mike Reese - Republican
State Representative 32nd District
Dewith Carrier - Republican
State Representative 33rd District
Les Farnum - Republican
State Representative 34th District
Wilford Carter Sr. - Democrat
Kevin Guidry - Democrat
Franklin Lewis Sr. - Democrat
State Representative 35th District
Brett Geymann - Republican
State Representative 36th District
Philip Tarver
State Representative 37th District
Troy Romero - Republican
State Representative 47th District
Ryan Bourriaque - Republican
District Judge 14th Judicial District Court (ES 1, Div. F)
Sa’Trica Williams Bensaadat - Democrat
Bobby Holmes - Democrat
District Judge 14th Judicial District Court (ES 2, Div. C)
Bill Cutrera - Republican
Brad Guillory - Republican
Mark Judson - Republican
Calcasieu Parish Sheriff
"Les" Blanchard - Republican
Elizabeth Gray Carrier - Democrat
"Stitch" Guillory - No Party
Bradley Moss - Independent
"Mike" Reid - Republican
Clerk of Court
Lynn Jones (No party)
Tax Assessor
Wendy Aguillard (I)
Terry Welke (No party)
Police Juror District 1
Reath Chauvin- Republican
Darby Quinn - Republican
Police Juror District 2
Shawntel Carter-Willis - Democrat
Emile Fontenot - Democrat
Mike Smith - Democrat
Police Juror District 3
Eddie Earl Lewis Jr. - Democrat
Shelly Mayo - Democrat
Police Juror District 4
Mack Dellafosse Jr. - Democrat
Tony Guillory - Democrat
Police Juror District 5
Brian Abshire- Republican
Police Juror District 6
Ron Hayes - Republican
Police Juror District 7
Chris Landry (No party)
Police Juror District 8
Mary Kaye Eason - Republican
Emily Fenet-Parker - Republican
Scott Washington - Republican
Police Juror District 9
Anthony Bartie - Democrat
Felicia Frank - Democrat
Police Juror District 10
Tony Stelly - Republican
Police Juror District 11
Roger Marcantel - Republican
Police Juror District 12
Judd Bares - Republican
Police Juror District 13
Joe Andrepont - Republican
Police Juror District 14
Randy Burleigh - Republican
Police Juror District 15
Tony Tramonte - Republican
Town of Iowa Tax Proposal
2.5M Bond - BOC - 20 Yrs. for Iowa Fire Protection Dist. No 1 – Precincts 800, 801, 860S pp, 860E pp Only
City of Sulphur Proposition
Revision of Home Rule Charter – Precincts within the City of Sulphur Only
District Judge 14th Judicial District Court, ES 1, Div. F
Sa'Trica Williams Bensaadat - Democrat
Bobby Holmes - Democrat
Police Juror District 4
Mack Dellafosse, Jr. - Democrat
Tony Guillory - Democrat
Constitutional Amendments
1.) CA No. 1 (ACT 200, 2023 - HB 311)
Prohibits the use of private funds in the administration of elections.
2.) CA No. 2 (ACT 30, 2023 - SB 63)
Provides that the freedom of worship is a fundamental right worthy of the highest protection.
3.) CA No. 3 (ACT 107, 2023 - HB 47)
Dedicates certain payments to be applied to the state retirement system unfunded accrued liability.
4.) CA No. 4 (ACT 48, 2023 - HB 46)
Restricts ad valorem tax exemptions for specific nonprofit organizations.
You find out exactly what's on your ballot by visiting the Louisiana Secretary of State website—an excellent voting resource. Whether you need a list of candidates, want to know your voting status, where your polling station is, see election results, or get election day dates, or deadlines, download the GEAUX VOTE APP!
Why Is There A Gubenitory Primary?
Louisiana uses a majority-vote system, which means during the primary (October 14, 2023), all candidates appear on the same ballot. In a primary, a candidate must have at least 50 % of the vote to outright. Once again, a major reason every registered voter must vote.
If no candidate gets that, the two with the most votes, regardless of party, move on to run against one another in the general election. This year's General Election will take place on November 18, 2023.
Election Questions?
For any voting questions, go to rockthevote.org, geauxbiz.sos.la.gov, or the Louisiana Secretary of State website, www.sos.la.gov.
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Gallery Credit: Karen Johanson
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