The single most important thing you can do in life is vote.  Calcasieu Parish Register of Voters Angie Quienalty stopped by to inform all our listeners of the upcoming voting deadlines.


There are some very important dates and deadlines coming up for the November 6th Presidential election.  Because this is so important, I had Angie Quienalty come in to explain.


Parents, don't let your college students leave before they register to vote.  If they are going to be attending school out of town or out of the state they can still vote in the upcoming Presidential election.  All you have to do is request a absentee mail in ballet. All the details on how to do that is below.  Don't let your children miss their opportunity.


If you are not registered to vote, click here and register right now!  If you any questions at all, call the Register of Voters office at 337-721-4000.

The Presidential election is just around the corner, so don't delay get all your voter business in order now.  Once again, below is a list of dates and all the info you need to make sure your voice is heard on election day.    


1. Click here and  Register to vote now.  If you want to vote in the upcoming November 6th Presidential election you need to know the  deadline to do so, is October 9th.

2. If you have or plan to change your name, address, party or if you just haven’t voted in a long time call the Register of Voters office at 337-721-4000 or go in person to the court house located at 1000 Ryan Street, room #7 in Lake Charles, LA. 70601 and notify the Register of Voters of these changes as soon as possible.  The last day to do so, is October 9th.

3. If you are already registered to vote and are a college student, in the military or disabled/home bound and wish to vote in the Presidential election but will not be in town during early voting (10/23/2012-10/30/2012) or the day of the election, then you will want to request a mail in ballot to make sure your vote is counted.  You may submit a signed written request to the Register of Voters office to 1000 Ryan Street room #7 Lake Charles, LA. 70601 or go the for more info on how to apply for a mail in ballot online.  Requests will be accepted starting 11/7/2012, just keep in mind that the is a deadline to turn them in and it is 11/5/2012 at 4:30pm.

4. Early voting for the upcoming Presidential election will begin October 23 and end October 30th.  If you are going to be in Calcasieu parish and wish to vote early, you may do so on these dates.  You do not need any reason to vote early.  Simply go between the dates above at the following locations:

1. Register of Voters Office at the Lake Charles Court House - 1000 Ryan Street in room #7

2. West Calcasieu Business Center in Sulphur next to the police station- 500 A. North Huntington Street

3. Moss Bluff Library on 261 Parish Rd.




If you have a smart phone you can download the geauxvote app for free!  This app has all this information and more available at your fingertips.

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