Bow Wow Admits He’s Contemplated Suicide Before
Bow Wow tells Dj Vlad after experiencing so much in his young life he felt he’d done it all "three times over," and even contemplated suicide around the time of his third album, Unleashed.
The rapper/actor/television host also spoke about making amends with his daughters mother and what it took to get to that point, basically saying that the less they interact with one another the better. “I’m here for my daughter,” said Bow Wow. "The fact that my daughter can pick up the phone and she can FaceTime me, she can text me, voice message me, that’s all I need.”
The rapper also talked taking responsibility for making women he’s dated turn crazy, and even admitted to making women sign non-disclousre forms when they would party with him, to keep him free and clear of blogs.
Below Bow Wow speaks about his split with Erica Mena, and having to pick between her an his daughter, and more.
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