Calcasieu Parish Police Jury moves planning and Zoning meeting
If you were planning on seeing the planning and zoning meeting with the Police Jury. You will still be able to as the only thing that has changed is the location of the meeting.
The Calcasieu Parish Police Jury's regular meetings and t he Calcasieu Parish Planning and Zoning meeting will be moved for tomorrow August 19. They will be officially moved to the Office Of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness's Emergency Operations Center. This will be located at 901 Lakeshore Drive.
The change was prompted by the recent surge of COVID-19's Delta Variant. This will allot for the proper social distancing requirements for the Police Jurors, staff and guest who are in attendance. The meeting will remain there until further notices. If you are planning on attending, please be alerted that you will be required to wear a mask for the duration of the meeting and must practice social distancing. The agenda is currently available for your review here. Also remember that the meetings will be shown live on C-GOV, and also on the Police Jury's Youtube Channel. You can also find links on the CPPJ Facebook Page and on