Christmas Under The Oaks Festival In Sulphur, LA.
The magic of the 2015 Christmas holiday is in the air and one way to soak-up all the sights, sounds and feeling of the season is to check out the Presented by the City of Sulphur, The Brimstone Historical Society, & Sulphur Parks & Recreation, this is an event you wont want to miss.
Christmas Under the Oaks 2015 has something for everyone like Holiday House. If your looking to wrap-up your Christmas shopping this is for you. Offering more than 30 shops Holiday House opens December 3rd, with plenty of holiday shopping through Saturday December 5.
Friday December 4 the celebration continues from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. in the Grove at Heritage Square, located at 1211 Ruth St. Plus don't miss the giant, colorful balloons of the Kiwanis Christmas Lighted parade, which will head down Cypress Street beginning at 6 p.m. Immediately after see the Live Nativity and various entertainment.
Saturday December 5 have breakfast with Santa beginning at 9 a.m. at the Henning Cultural Center, located at 923 Ruth St. After you get a belly full, head back to Heritage Square for more shopping at Holiday House and even more live entertainment.
Mayor Chris Duncan announced there will be road closures to accommodate the festival, or more details click here. Meanwhile for the complete schedule of events for the Christmas Under the Oaks Festival, click here.