I Wish Lake Charles Had? Residents Weigh In
Hey Lake Charles and Southwest Louisiana, we went on our radio station's Facebook page and asked you a simple question, I wish Lake Charles/SWLA had….? Little did we know that we would get over 140 comments on the post of things you wish we had here in the area.
Since the hurricanes, we have seen things go away and not come back. On the flip side of that, we have seen a bunch of growth in Lake Charles and Southwest Louisiana too. If you drive around in Lake Charles you will see construction going on all over the place.
One of those areas we are thinking of that is growing up is on Contraband Parkway which is located off of West Prien Lake Road by the Hobby Lobby. Several buildings are being built on the parkway but we haven't found out what is exactly going in those building yet.
Then we see another new business being built right across from the entrance to L'Auberge Casino Resort. in Lake Charles. The big question is what would you like to see come to Lake Charles and Southwest Louisiana?
Going back to what we said earlier, we asked you that question. I wish Lake Charles/SWLA had….? and we have the things that you said you would like to see come to the lake area.
Top Golf
HEB Grocery Store
Better Drainage
Dave And Busters
New I-10 Bridge
And here are some other things Lake Charles and Southwest Louisiana residents said that they would like to see come to the area.
- Peir like in Galveston
- Waterpark
- Go Cart Track
- Whole Foods
- Chipotle
- Red Robin
- Boardwalk along the I-10 beach
- Trader Joe's
- Better Drivers
Beautiful Parks of Southwest Louisiana