Lake Charles “Red White Blue & You” To Be Streamed Online
Our country's Independence Day on July 4 will have a different look this year in Lake Charles. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the city of Lake Charles has announced changes to this year's Red, White Blue and You celebration.
Lake Charles Mayor Nick Hunter said,
“Despite COVID-19 safety measures prohibiting large gatherings, we still want Lake Charles to be able to celebrate our independence, our patriotism, and the heroes who fought and continue to fight to protect our freedom. This year���s celebration will be COVID-19 friendly in order to protect the health of our community.”
With that being said, the festivities that are usually going on during the event will still happen, just without spectators. The city plans to stream all of the events online.
Events get underway around 1:00pm on Saturday, July 4 with a handheld flag giveaway and kids prizes being given out at historic City Hall located at 1001 Ryan Street. The giveaway will be in a drive-thru style. You just drive up in your car to get your flags until 6:00pm.
Music gets underway with Brandon Broussard and Chez De Bon Temps performing live on the Lake Charles City Hall Facebook Page, starting at 7:15pm.
Then, the Lake Charles Community Band and a Salute To Armed Forces will be streamed on KPLC TV's website and Facebook page at 8:30pm.
The fireworks will be launched into the sky from an undisclosed location at 9:15pm from downtown and residents are encouraged to watch from their backyards and/or streamed will also be streamed on KPLC's platforms.
For more information, call 337-491-9159 or go to www.cityoflakecharles.com

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