Layzie Bone Leaves Bone Thugs-N-Harmony
Bone Thugs-N-Harmony have reached a crossroad with member Layzie Bone, who announced his departure from the group on Twitter earlier this week.
Although Bone Thugs-N-Harmony are currently on tour, Layzie Bone announced that he will leave the group after he has completed his obligations and will focus on his solo efforts.
On Tuesday (Aug. 27), Layzie explained why he has been missing from some of the recent ‘Everything 100’ Bone Thugs shows. He also plans to release a new solo album, ‘Perfect Timing,’ and concentrate on building his brand, Harmony Howse Entertainment.
Layzie will join the rest of his Bone Thugs brethren at the upcoming Rock the Bells festival dates and a TV appearance. Bone Thugs-N-Harmony just inked a deal with eOne Entertainment and are expected to release new material in the near future.