Chances are on the dashboard or middle console of your car or truck there is at least one pair of sunglasses. Most of us buy our sunglasses after checking out how cool they make us look in that little mirror on the display inside the store. Did you know there are things that are far more important than how your sunglasses look?

Here are five tips we can offer when choosing your next pair of sunglasses.

  • Allison Shelley/Getty Images
    Allison Shelley/Getty Images

    Bigger Is Better

    So what if the big old shades make you look like a bug eyed spaceman. You're getting the maximum UV protection when you cover more skin area. Forget the fashion if you really love the gift of sight.

  • Morne de Klerk/Getty Images
    Morne de Klerk/Getty Images

    100% UV Protection

    Ultra violet rays are the rays that do the most damage to your skin and to your eyes. You should make sure the pair of shades you choose offers 100% UV protection. Almost all of them do but there are some that sacrifice your personal health for sex appeal and style.

  • Mark Wilson/Getty Images
    Mark Wilson/Getty Images

    Lens Color Does Not Matter

    You might think that the darker the lens the better the protection. If you're in the Secret Service then dark lenses are a must. Most of us are not guarding important people so pick and choose the lens color you like. Just look for that all important UV protection.

  • Eric Thayer/Getty Images
    Eric Thayer/Getty Images

    Polarized Does Not Mean Protection

    Polarized lenses aid in the reduction of glare. That's really all they do. They don't offer eye protection except in the form of blocking that searing reflected light off the back of that highly polished car in front of you. If you want to see better get polarize lenses but double check for that UV protection. Are you starting to sense a theme here?

  • Getty Images for Stagecoach
    Getty Images for Stagecoach

    Higher Price Does Not Equal Higher Protection

    This might come as a shock to you but you don't have to pay and arm and a leg to make sure your eyes are safe this Summer. A pair of cheap sun glasses can not only get you in a ZZ Top video but can protect as well as very expensive sun shades. The key is, say it with me, UV protection.

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