Method Man Revisit’s East Coast vs West Coast Beef, and Blames Vibe Magazine for the Drama that Unfolded [VIDEO]
In a Huffington Post interview from March 2015, that seems to be getting some traction as of late, actor rapper Method Man discussed his feelings about the media, the mystery Wu-Tang album, and more. Most interesting is Meth’s views about the death of Tupac and Biggie.
Method Man said that he doesn’t like doing interviews for anything hip-hop, especially for magazine’s, because according to the Wu Tang member “They are the blood suckers of the culture, if you ask me.”
According to Meth, Vibe Magazine should have gotten a bullet, instead of Pac or Big. The conflict between Tupac and Biggie, which ultimately caused their deaths, began with the 1996 Vibe cover featuring Biggie and Puff. Meth said it wasn’t the way Big posed for the cover that ignited a feud between the East and West, what came after is what solidified the beef. Meth quoted Tupac, saying “People injected themselves into a beef between him and Bad Boy,” it had nothing to do with anyone else.
Watch the full interview above.