Michael Jordan Pledges $5 Million to Smithsonian’s African American Museum
Michael Jordan pledged $5 Million on Monday, August 8, to Smithsonian’s new African American Museum on the National Mall, according to ESPN.
MJ reportedly made the contribution to the National Museum of African American History and Culture, which will honor his gift by naming a section of their sports gallery after the NBA legend. Jordan also donated a jersey he wore from the 1996 NBA finals to go into the gallery.
Jordan released a statement citing:
"I am grateful for the opportunity to support this museum. I also am indebted to the historic contributions of community leaders and athletes such as Jesse Owens, whose talent, commitment and perseverance broke racial barriers and laid the groundwork for the successful careers of so many African Americans in athletics and beyond.”
The African American museum is set to open Sept. 24, and according to museum director Lonnie Bunch “His gift will enable our visitors to explore how sports were used to break barriers as a way to gain full participation in American society."
[ESPN & Washington Post]
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