After more than thirty years in the game, Madonna can still stir up tha drama. Over the weekend Madge caused a frenzy on Instagram when she posted a photo of her 13-year-old son, Rocco and proceeded to call him the N word.
If you watched the Superbowl last night and saw the Giants take a victory over the Patriots then you saw the big performance from Madonna. She really set it off and gave what I feel was the performance of all performances in a while for a Superbowl event. Although I am sure the sensors had their finger on the button for Madonna, the shock actually came from one of her performers. Check it out!!
A Georgia Judge has signed off on an order, which will allow a Aydin & Company, a high end jewlry store, recoup their loss directly from A.I.'s bank account! Apparently, Iverson stiffed the jewelry company out of few pieces and his celebrity status didn't allow for him to get a hook-up.