When planning your work-out routine, try and pinpoint your bodies weak areas. Then develop a work-out routine around them. This Week, work on strengthening your weaknesses.
Have you joined the 'fad club' when it comes to your health? Like fashion, diets come and go. Don't set yourself up for failure. Make healthy living and eating a lifestyle and not a fad.
The main thing stopping most people from exercising, is excuses not to. It's easy to talk yourself out of working out and that's why I've come up with a 'No Excuse Challenge.'
Sometimes the best encouragement and motivation, comes from yourself. After all you are responsible for your own well being right? Encourage yourself and don't look for others to hold you accountable.
You can be sure of one thing, excuses will get you nowhere. The only way to get results is to put one foot in front of the other and move forward. Help is here!