Ten Louisiana Casinos You Should Visit
One thing Louisiana is proudly known for is its gaming. Within the state of Louisiana, you can run across plenty of casinos that will gladly accept your money, should you choose to visit. I have compiled a list of casinos you may want to try your luck at once this pandemic simmers down. While there are casinos that have reopened, I highly recommend you continue to social distance and please wear your mask.
Check out some hot spots you might be familiar with and others you might need to get acquainted with.
Ten Louisiana Casinos You Should Visit
I know the COVID-19 pandemic has everyone down a little. Obviously, we are used to getting out there and having a blast without worrying about the unknown, but this is a time to put things in prospective and take care of ourselves. All of the spots listed above will be there when you are ready to have fun. Thanks for checking out my list, and be on the lookout for even more to come soon.

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