Willow Smith To Play Little Orphan Annie In Remake
Will Smith has definately got that "Arab Money". After having a successful run with the remake of the classic movie "The Karate Kid", it seems their about to do it again. This time around newly discovered r&b star Willow Smith will be taking over the reigns in the hot seat.
Word on the street is that Will Smith is looking to produce a remake of the cult classic musical Annie, but starring Willow as the lead.
Will Smith’s company, Overbrook Entertainment, is developing the project with Sony, and they've reached out to Jay-Z about having him create original music for the flick, which is most likely going to be a contemporary adaptation. There’s no word yet on whether some of the film's classic songs will be incorporated.
via Willow Smith To Play Little Orphan Annie In Remake | VIBE.
It must really be nice to sit back and just think of movies that you wanna do over, with a new twist. This will really be a big deal and something I feel the entire family will enjoy for sure.