Earlier this month, Snoop Dogg posed a question on Instagram, asking if the boycott on designer brand Gucci had been lifted. In light of a new scandal that has popped up with the popular clothing line, 50 Cent recently offered an answer to his rap contemporary's query: "No."

Gucci has once again come under fire, this time for cultural appropriation, for selling designer turbans for $800. On Friday (May 17), Fif called them out on Instagram.

"See they keep doing dumb shit, No Gucci," he captioned a screenshot of an article about the turban causing an uproar. "@snoopdogg throw that shit out."

A couple weeks back, Uncle Snoop asked about the status of the Gucci boycott, which was initially started by T.I. after the brand came out with a sweater design that resembled black face. At the time, Soulja Boy, Russel Simmons, Waka Flocka Flame, Jean Grae, Young Thug and others were also all in agreement that Gucci should be put on pause. That was in February, however, so Snoop wanted answers.

"I seen some niggas wearing Gucci the other day so is the ban off or not?" Snoop asked his followers. "Y'all gotta let me know because I got a buncha shit in here I ain't give away yet. Niggas wearing Gucci again or not? Cuz y'all aint say nothing about the niggas that had it on the other night. If I wear it, y'all gone talk shit?"

Well, it looks like he has his answer.

Check out 50 Cent's retort below.

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