CPSB Budget Meeting/School Reconfiguration Today at 5:00pm
Earlier this month, the Calcasieu Parish School Board announced it's considering a school reconfiguration plan that would affect four important schools in Lake Charles. All of them on hold significant, historical relevance in the communities they serve, some of which are the only elementary schools in the immediate area and will cause a severe transportation hardship, commuting difficulty for parents, not to mention the jobs of several teachers, coaches and facility members if the reconfiguration moves forward.
According to school history records, the oldest is former Washington High, now J.D. Clifton Elementary which opened in 1952. Though it's been through several name changes and mergers Combre-Fondel Elementary's origins (formerly Riverside/Eastwood) date back to 1954. T.H. Watkins Elementary opened its doors in Oak Park in 1962 and, last but not least, John F. Kennedy Elementary opened in 1966.
The public/parents were given two opportunities to discuss their concerns and ask questions on May 20 at T.H. Watkins Pavilion at 2501 7th Avenue and on May 21 at
Combre-Fondel Pavilion at 2115 Fitzenreiter Road.
The public/parents will get a final opportunity to give their input at the Budget Committee Meeting today (May 26, 2020) using the Public Comment Procedures meeting guidelines.
If you want to comment today during the meeting, complete the "Request to Appear" Form and submit it to the superintendent before the meeting begins. For more details on how to present a question at the meeting, click here. For more information, call CPSB at 337-217-4000.

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