Calcasieu Parish School Board Releases Return To School Plan
The Calcasieu Parish School Board’s 2020-2021 has released their return to school plan. With the rise of COVID-19 in SWLA, everyone is concerned and interested in knowing what is going to happen for the students. As a matter of fact, when I was visiting my family at home that was the topic of discussion for the upcoming school year, if there was going to be one.
I am far from a school professional, but obviously the students need to have some type of schooling in order to stay up to date with the latest assignments and with their classmates. But how would it be done. Would they alternate students and the days or weeks that they would go to school? Would they utilize classes from home, where the students could join their other classmates online?
The reality of the situation is what about the students who do not have access to the internet or even a computer. I am not making a mockery of the situation, simply stating facts. The Pandemic could not come at a worse time and financially it’s affecting all of us.
Today the Calcasieu Parish School Board has unleashed their plans for the upcoming school year. It is giving the options of face to face classes Monday- Friday or the students can get enrolled in the CPSB Connected Classrooms, which is a full virtual educational option.
Take a look at the overall plan that has been put in place for the students for the 2020-2021 school year. Good luck to all of the faculty, bus drivers, parents and of course students on this upcoming year. Here’s hoping to an end to this Pandemic and great thing to come for all of you.
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