Don’t Miss The 2018 Annual Nami Membership Dinner
Nami is a great organization whose mission is building better lives for those living with Mental Illness.They are a great organization who believe in not only working with those who are living with a Mental Illness but also to help the family members and loved ones to be able to cope with it as well.
It is a great organization to be apart of and this Thursday October 11th, Nami will be holding it's annual membership drive at Treasures of Marilyn's 3510 5th Avenue. The dinner kicks off at 6:30 pm with speaker Timothy Rafferty.
If you would like to be apart of Nami, please come out and gain your membership and be apart of the many activities and functions that are put on by Nami SWLA. If you would like more information, all you have to do is call 337-433-0219 and RSVP today. Also don't miss the Candle Light Vigil tonight at the Lake Charles Civic Center beginning at 6 pm