Got Leg Cramps? Here’s Why You Should Sleep With A Bar Of Soap
Believe it or not, a bar of soap may do the trick if your legs cramp up at night. I know it sounds crazy, but some people swear by it. Because most soaps contain magnesium that can leach through to your skin. Just place a bar of soap under your sheets and let it do its thing.
At least that's what they say to do. Is there definitive proof that it works for everyone? No. However, there is proof that it works. It's just that no one has a good answer to why. The folks at Natural Cures give the best expansion thus far.
If you suffer from nighttime leg cramps or lazy leg syndrome the bar-of-soap trick is worth a try. You have nothing to lose... but a bar of soap. If it doesn’t work, your sheets will smell good and you will too. However, if it does work, you pulled off an inexpensive fix to a painful problem and your bedding is still going to smell great.
VeryWell Health says the soap in the bed has a real benefit. Advocates say that something in the soap, be it minerals, magnesium, lavender, or even electrically charged ions, can absorb through the skin and alters your body chemistry. Thereby, can improve RLS and leg cramps. Magnesium and lavender are also known to help you relax and are widely used as sleep aids.
On the other hand, there is medical and scientific proof that leg cramps and RLS can become prevalent in people who are dehydrated or have a low potassium or magnesium level. The lack of stretching and or the lack of exercise.
The Portland Clinic advises those suffering from these miserable issues to do the following:
- Elevate - Elevate your legs because it helps especially if you have swelling or edema.
- Massage — DIY or enlist your significant other or a professional. This aids circulation, and blood flow and eases sore muscles.
- Stretching —This helps loosen tight muscles and prevents cramping.
- Exercise — A decline in exercise or lack of it, is worth reconsidering, as it really can help manage cramps. Walking or water aerobics are highly recommended.
- Soap - Though there is no scientific study proving it works, there is enough proof that this ritual works for many people. So, trying this natural remedy is encouraged.
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