Hurricane Relief Grants Available for Individual Artists
Hurricane relief is available for artists in need of assistance in five Louisiana parishes. The Arts & Humanities Council of Southwest Louisiana has teamed up with the Ceramics League of Miami and is offering an Individual Artist Hurricane Relief Grant for artists in the community. To qualify for the grant, artists must be 18 years or older and work in the following categories: musicians, visual artists, actors, dancers, and writers. Click here for full criteria and eligibility requirements.
Working artists who've lost income due to damage from Hurricanes Laura and Delta must live in the following parishes to be eligible: Allen, Beauregard, Calcasieu, Cameron, or Jeff Davis. Grant awards are a maximum amount of $300 per individual. Please note, funds are limited. If you qualify, apply between March 15 - April 2 at AHC Individual Artis Hurricane Relief Grant Guidelines.
Applications can be emailed to Madison Miller at madisonm@artscouncilswla.org. For info or questions, contact the Arts & Humanities Council at 337-439.2787. To learn how to support or donate to the Arts & Humanities Council, visit www.artscouncilswla.org.
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