Killer Mike has shared the full video of the interview he did with Colion Noir for NRA TV.

The video was deemed controversial, mostly because it was released on the same day as the March for Our Lives protest. Mike's position on gun ownership in the black community, didn't deviate from the message he's been pressing for years to anyone familiar with his community activism and political positions.

Essentially, his argument is that in a country that has a long history of unprovoked violence against black people, it's vitally important that black people are armed. He often points to writer/activist Robert F. Williams' stance on black gun ownership as an example of his perspective.

Mike did apologize to kids who protesting, saying that the NRA video wasn't used in the right way, and he supports movements that are organized by young people eager to have their voices heard.

At any rate, the full interview, which obviously sheds more light on Mike's views, was released by the NRA. Mike also urged black people to join the National African American Gun Association as an alternative to the NRA.

“I’m off the 'whipping post' but for all that care about truth @colionnoir put the full convo about 'African American Gun ownership' up,” he wrote on Instagram. “[National African American Gun Association] gets a major shout out and blacks are encouraged to Join it as I have as an alternative to the NRA. Thanks to all who kept the 'Faith' in me. Your words were read and love was felt. To all the mob that yelled “hang him'. I will never forget y’all too. -- The link is in my profile. Love and Respect to all.”

You can watch the full interview below.


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