Lake Charles “Xtreme Step Team” Lands Audition For America’s Got Talent [VIDEO]
They've done it again! Lake Charles very own Xtreme Step Team has made a RETURN to the stage. Not only that, they too will audition for the hit ABC show "America's Got Talent".
They ended last season with two B.E.T. Appearances and a First Runner Up National Title. This is a look at one of those performances.
This past weekend Xtreme competed in their first competition this season and finished with a 1ST PLACE WIN beating one of the Top Step Teams in Texas.
Get Ready to see Xtreme Step Team LIVE on Stage on Saturday, February 23rd at 5PM at LCB Academy as they Host their 8th Annual Battle of the Steppers featuring Step Teams from: Louisiana, Texas, Mississippi, and Alabama.
Tickets are ONLY $10 and can be purchased by calling 337-348-6601!!! The Head Coach of Xtreme Step Team is proud to Announce that they have been contacted by ABC's AMERICA's GOT TALENT & look forward to Auditioning for them soon!!
We are XTREMELY proud of you and wish you all the very best of luck. You have our prayers and full support! See what their working with. Here is the team performing in a previous competitions: