Lebron James Speaks On #45 Sympathizing With White Supremacists And Changes We All Can Make – Tha Wire
Today in Tha Wire: My people, there comes a time where ignoring "The Elephant" in the room is no longer possible. When a person shows you who they are, believe them. Trump showed the world who he was Tuesday, August 15, 2017. Some weren't surprised, some were astonished, and a very small group was even proud. Yet the habitual and reckless rhetoric coming from #45 has reached a point that SOMETHING MUST BE DONE. For the integrity of the office, the character of this great nation, for the fabric from which our laws were built, and the thousands who risk their lives in the name of freedom on a daily basis.
What will history say about all of this? Better yet, what will the nation's senators and government officials in Washington do to end the inexcusable embarrassment this president has become? What will their legacies be? We shall see. If they are as shocked, disgusted, and mortified as they claim to be, they will act accordingly. There is no doubt about it: 45 has tarnished the image of the highest office in the land.
Well said King James! I wholeheartedly agree.