Martin Shkreli Wants to Buy Kanye West’s Album and Not Release It
Martin Shkreli is not content with simply disappointing Wu-Tang Clan fans. Now, he's after Kanye West's followers as well. The controversial pharmaceutical executive took to Twitter and announced that he wanted to buy Kanye West's new album The Life of Pablo. And just like his purchase of Wu-Tang Clan's Once Upon a Time in Shaolin, Shrekli intends to never let it get to the public.
Martin Shkreli posted his entire offer letter on Twitter. In it, Shkreli claims he's a big fan of Kanye West and that Kanye's debut album inspired him.
"I have been a tremendous fan of your music for many years," Shkreli wrote, "Specifically, the album The College Dropout inspired me to succeed at a young age."
Just to further antagonize Kanye West fans, Martin Shkreli claimed that the album would be delayed by at least a few days due to his offer.
"Kanye and his label are legally required to take my offer letter to their Board of Directors," Shkreli wrote. "This should delay the album by a few days."
As Kanye West has turned his album release into a huge event, Martin Shkreli's latest attempt to troll hip-hop fans can probably be classified as a failure. One would think that the pharmaceutical executive should probably be focused on his ongoing legal troubles. Shkrel's purchase of the Wu-Tang Clan's Once Upon a Time in Shaolin has already added to his legal issues as the illustrator of the album has brought a lawsuit against Shrkeli and RZA.
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