No More Lundi Gras Presale Tickets Available Here At Our Studios [VIDEO]
This Monday is the day of one of the biggest events every year for the past 4 years. It's the annual Lundi Gras with Keith Frank and the Soileau Zydeco Band, going down at Yesterday's Night Club in Lake Charles. While we have been one of the two locations to get tickets, we are officially sold out here at the Radio Station!
That's right the only tickets left will be sold all weekend at Yesterday's Night Club 5313 Common Street in Lake Charles. They will also be sold on Monday until the doors open. Make sure you get your tickets in advance, because they will go up on the night of the show. Keith Frank is going to be doing all of his hits from back in the day and today, and this is the only way to kick off Fat Tuesday. Join us broadcasting live over there this Monday beginning at 5 pm for fun and more. Don't Miss It!
Keith Frank @ Lundi Gras 2012: