Sonic Drive-In Donates Thousands Of Car Seats To Be Given Away
Louisiana's Sonic Drive-In donated thousands for car seats to be purchased, and given away to families in need. The food chain giant raised $55k through the sale of their 2016 “Tot” Calendars, which were sold at more than 100 Sonic locations in the state. The sale was a huge success, which allowed the famous drive-in to buy more than 1,800 car seats to give away.
It's all about keeping children passengers safe and properly restrained while traveling in vehicles. This car seat giveaway is a partnership between Sonic, University Medical Center New Orleans, and the Louisiana Passenger Safety Task Force. Below is more info about why child safety is so important in Louisiana.
Don't miss the BIG giveaway Saturday September 23, 2017 at Southwest Beverage Co., located at 3860 Broad Street, in Lake Charles. The event will begin at 10 a.m. and end at 2 p.m. Car seats will be given away, and installed as long as supplies last. If you pre-registered for a car seat, it will be waiting for you to pick-up at the event. If you have a copy of your registration bring it with you. However that is not a requirement, it will just help make distribution go faster. You also don't have to worry about your seat being given away to someone else.
Also, due to the damage from Hurricane Harvey, additional car seats were purchased to help those families impacted by the storm. So whether you registered or not, come and get a FREE car seat if you need one! The additional seats, will be given away on a first come, first serve basis.
Professionals safety technicians with the Louisiana Passenger Safety Task Force will be on hand, to insure your new seat is installed properly. This is a free event and everyone is welcome to attend. New parents/guardians/grandparents are especially encouraged to stop by the event. If you already have a car seat, and need help with installing it, technicians will be happy to assist you. If you want info on the best car seats to get, when it's time to switch from a car seat, to a booster or anything else, a wealth of information will be available all day.
That's the BIG car seat giveaway Saturday September 23, 2017, from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. at Southwest Beverage Co. at 3860 Broad Street in Lake Charles. Brought to you by Sonic Drive-In, University Medical Center New Orleans, and the Louisiana Passenger Safety Task Force.
See you there!