Supreme Court Asked To Block Biden Win In Pennsylvania
Only God knows where we are headed. Ironically, the same patriots of these United States are threatening to tear the country's democracy down over an election loss they refuse to accept. President Trump received more votes than any American president in history, with some 70 million votes. The new President-elect got more than 81 million votes to win the election fair and square.
In the same election, Republicans kept or won Senate seats across the board. Elections have been going on in America since the beginning of our democracy. For over two centuries, the people of this country have elected the leadership. The checks and balances of the election process have been upheld through the ages, and America's leadership has changed according to the will of the people. America doesn't have a permanent president, and there is a reason for that.
Yet after several recounts, court appeals, and lawsuits, the outgoing president is bringing his case to the Supreme Court. According to reports, some Republicans are asking the highest court in the land to block President-elect Joe Biden's win in Pennsylvania.

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