Louisiana Refinery Set to Close, 700 Jobs Will Go With itLouisiana Refinery Set to Close, 700 Jobs Will Go With it700 jobs are just gone in South Louisiana. Brandon MichaelBrandon Michael
Plan To End Children’s Mental Health Program Faces PushbackPlan To End Children’s Mental Health Program Faces PushbackThe Edwards administration intends to shutter the program on April 1, to save more than $2 million this year.Associated PressAssociated Press
State Police Interim Leader To Be Chosen Next WeekState Police Interim Leader To Be Chosen Next WeekGov. John Bel Edwards plans to have an Col. Mike Edmonson's interim replacement appointed next week.Associated PressAssociated Press
Governor Releases Plan To Close Gaping $304 Million Budget HoleGovernor Releases Plan To Close Gaping $304 Million Budget Hole"He’s not going to make cuts to higher education, K-12 education, the Department of Corrections, or the Department of Children and Family Services.”Louisiana NetworkLouisiana Network
60% Cut In TOPS Payments60% Cut In TOPS PaymentsCollege-bound students who use TOPS to pay tuition should expect to shoulder 60 percent of their tuition for the Spring 2017 semester. Derek AlbertDerek Albert
Louisiana Governor Going Back To Washington For Flood AidGov. John Bel Edwards is looking to garner support for another $4 billion in flood recovery funding from the federal government.Associated PressAssociated Press
Obama Picks John Bel Edwards For National Governors’ CouncilEdwards was chosen as one of 10 U.S. governors to serve on the bipartisan council.Derek AlbertDerek Albert
Louisiana’s Cost To Respond To Flooding Could Reach $81MGov. John Bel Edwards estimated the state's cost for recovery wil reach $81 million.Associated PressAssociated Press
Suit Seeks Voting Rights For Felons On Parole, ProbationSuit Seeks Voting Rights For Felons On Parole, ProbationA lawsuit filed in state court seeks to restore voting rights for some 70,000 Louisiana felons who are on probation or parole.Associated PressAssociated Press
TOPS Program SuspendedTOPS Program SuspendedGov. John Bel Edwards sounded major alarms regarding Louisiana's education system during a televised address to the state this evening (Feb. 11).Scott LewisScott Lewis
Lousiana’s Education Could Be In Jeopardy Without TOPS Assistance [VIDEO]Lousiana’s Education Could Be In Jeopardy Without TOPS Assistance [VIDEO]The funds to TOPS are being stopped immediately and colleges and universities will feel the wrath.Erik TeeErik Tee