There Was A Little Snow In My Neck Of The Woods This Morning [PHOTOS]
There was alot of hoopla about the schools being closed on yesterday and I have to admit I really didn't think they had a reason to be. Well later on in the evening the temperature dropped and it started to rain. Of course as the morning progressed along came a little bit of that white stuff they call snow, some northerners may say it's just a little sleet. Anyway as I was warming up my vehicle this morning, I took a few photos of something that I have seen in years in Lake Charles.. Snow!
I have to admit this is fun to me and I am enjoying every moment, even the second where my truck slid even after I stopped. Anyway be careful out there and make sure to keep it locked to 107 Jamz and 107 for more details on the forecast and if this will extend for the weekend! Oh yeah I know Christmas is way past, but I thought this video would be one that would share my sentiments on today!