Win a Family Four Pack of Tickets and Parking Pass to McNeese’s Last Home Game This Saturday [PHOTOS]
Make sure you check out Big Boy Chill today at Misse's grocery in Sulphur. The Mcneese Cowboys have been kicking major butt this season and we are proud of our hometeam here and really looking at another victory this weekend.
This Saturday will be the last home game against Sam Houston State inside Cowboys stadium on what we claim as another victory. Make sure you stop by Misse's today between 4- 6 pm as we will be teaming up with Dr. Pepper and giving some lucky winner a family four pack of tickets to the big game and parking passes so you'll be even closer to the action.
Next week Mcneese will be taking on Lamar State and these guys have a rivalry out of this world. I know that this weekend is also the big game with LSU taking on Alabama, but make sure you guys get out and support the hometeam. Also be on the lookout for us as we will be in the building live tailgating.