45th Annual LSU AgCenter 4-H and FFA State Horse Show
The 45th Annual State Horse Show will take place at the Burton Complex July 8-12, 2014 in Lake Charles. Get the list of scheduled events here.
The horse industry is an important part of Louisiana’s diversified agriculture and according to the LSU AgCenter, last year alone helped grow the state’s economy by $2.45 billion. However horses are worth much more than money, they are also devoted and loving companions. Programs like the 4-H and FFA horse projects help develop the next generations love and appreciation for these magnificent animals.
4-H and FFA horse projects also help develop character, good citizenship and leadership skills in young enthusiasts, by providing an outlet for them to sharpen the skills learned through participation in educational clinics, workshops, seminars and more. The purpose of the 4-H horse program is to provide young people opportunities to participate in a variety of activities as well. These events are designed to improve sportsmanship and horsemanship, through the spirit of competition.
This year’s Horse Show will take place at the Burton Complex, were participants will showcase what they’ve learned as a result of hours of hard work and discipline, with the responsibility of feeding, grooming, and training their horses. All shows begin at 8:00 am in the main arena (Arena B) and the daily scheduled events are as follows:
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Pole Bending, 13 and under
Pole Bending, 14 and over
Barrel Racing, 13 and under
Barrel Racing, 14 and over
Stake Race, 14 and over
Stake Race, 13 and under
Ground Work Class (13 & under and 14 & over)
(Exhibitors in ground work can show anytime between 8:30 and 11:00am)
Stock Horse Pleasure (13 & under and 14 & over)
(Exhibitors can show anytime between 8:30am and 11:00am)
Ranch Trail, All Ages
(Exhibitors can show anytime between 8:30am and 11:00am)
Special Needs Horse Classes 1:30pm (Showmanship followed by Ground work)
Premier Exhibitor contest will begin at 1pm or 1 hour after show ends.
(Meet in the Show Office)
3:30 p.m. Quiz Bowl registration in the Show Office
4:00pm Quiz Bowl begins Jr. Division followed by Sr. Division
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Each parish will be allowed two contestants or teams in each division of contests. Contestants may enter one communication contest. (Public Speaking or Demonstrations) and enter any or all of the following (Premier Exhibitor, Quiz Bowl, and Horse Judging).
8:00 a.m. Registration for Public Speaking, Judging and Team Demonstrations - in the Show Office
8:30 a.m. Public Speaking, Individual and Team Demonstration Contests
10:00 a.m. Registration for judging contest – in the Show Office
10:30 a.m. Judging Contest - Main Arena
6:30 p.m. Awards Banquet – Chalkley Room - No Horses will be Allowed in the Main Arena during the Awards Banquet
Friday, July 11, 2014
Western Showmanship, 13 and under Dressage, 13 and under (Training Level)
Western Showmanship, 14 and over Dressage, 14 and over (Training Level)
Western Pleasure, 13 and under Dressage, All Ages(Level 1)
Western Pleasure, 14 and over Open Trail, 13 and under
Western Horsemanship, 13 and under Open Trail, 14 and over
Western Horsemanship, 14 and over (Exhibitors in trail can show any time
Western Riding, 13 and under after the conclusion of dressage)
Western Riding, 14 and over
Reining, 13 and under
Reining, 14 and over
Saturday, July 12, 2014
English Showmanship, 13 and under (Following Showmanship)
English Showmanship, 14 and over Working Hunter, All Ages
Followed by Halter Classes Equitation over Fences All Ages
Miniature Horse Halter Hunter Under Saddle, 13 and under
Arabian Horse Halter Hunter Under Saddle, 14 and over
Paint Horse Halter Hunt Seat Equitation, 13 and under
Quarter Horse Halter Hunt Seat Equitation, 14 and over
Appaloosa Horse Halter
AOB (Grade and Others) Halter
Note: Main Arena will be open for practice at the conclusion of the show each day until closed by Show Management.