Better Business Bureau Warns Parents About Safety Regarding Posting Back-to-School Photos
It's back-to-school week in Acadiana and your social media timeline will soon be flooded by proud parents posting pictures of their children's first day of school.
That's great, but the Better Business Bureau wants parents to think twice before they post those photos.
What could be so harmful about posting your child's back-to-school photo?
The BBB says that in many cases, thieves are simply surfing through social media for potential victims. Experts say photos can actually reveal personal information and put you and your family at risk.
Revealing information like a person's age, grade, classroom, and school name can be used by scammers to steal financially from you. Some of that personal information could even tip off a scammer of your password or answers to your security questions.
What are some of the things to avoid when posting photos of kids' back-to-school photos?
The Better Business Bureau released the following tips to stay safe:
- Keep some of the information vague. Avoid releasing any specific details about your child that could be enticing for scammers.
- Review your security settings. Check your security settings on all social media platforms to see what you are sharing and with whom you are sharing it with.
- Change security questions/settings. If you are nervous about something you shared possibly opening you up to fraud, review and change your security settings for banking and other websites.
“Be cautious about the information you share on social media because once you put it out there it’s hard to remove it. Scammers could be looking for the tiniest details or information to take advantage of you and your family. Don’t make it easy for them. Be your first line of defense and protect yourself,” said Carmen Million, President & CEO of the Better Business Bureau of South Central Louisiana.
Hopefully, these tips help you remain free of scammers and you still get to show the world how fantastic and happy your little ones look on their first day of school.
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