Calcasieu Parish School Board Approves New Security Services
Calcasieu Parish School Board CPSB is taking extra steps to ensure the safety of students, faculty, and staff in the district. According to reports, the school board recently approved a contract with Stratigos Dynamics, Inc. to work within elementary schools.
Stratigos is a Lake Charles security company that provides emergency response, remote monitoring, defense training, safety management, and more. The main reason CPSB approved this contract is to implement safety measures at schools in the district that do not have School Resource Officers from the Calcasieu Parish Sheriff's Office.
Dr. Shannon LaFargue, CPSB Superintendent, explained the goal of the new school security service, saying,
“We will continue to be aggressive in acting on additional security measures when those measures become actionable items.” Dr. LaFargue continued. “We greatly appreciate our current relationship with CPSO, and their School Resource Officers do an outstanding job within our schools.
However, CPSO is not immune to the staffing shortages experienced across the country, so this is simply a temporary endeavor we’re exploring to ensure the safety of our students, faculty, and staff.”
CPSB plans to continue its strong partnership with the local law enforcement department. The safety and security of students, faculty, and staff is a top priority. While agencies remain in place, the additional security further strengthens the security of all CPSB campuses.
Starting May 1 through the end of the school year, the following schools will be impacted:
Moss Bluff Elementary
Gillis Elementary
LeBleu Settlement Elementary
J.J. Watson Elementary
Their designated Marshal’s Offices will cover Ward 3 and 4 elementary schools. Police departments covering schools in DeQuincy and Vinton will remain. Starting this summer, more security measures will be implemented to strengthen security at CPSB elementary schools and other campuses without full-time School Resource Officers.