“How Christmas Saved The Grinch” : A Christmas Play And Musical At Glad Tidings Church
This Sunday come out and enjoy the FREE production of an old Christmas classic, "How Christmas Saved The Grinch." It's a Christmas play and musical, that's open to public and sure to remind of whom the Christmas holidays are all about. Cindy Lou Who shows the ultimate gift of Jesus can soften even the hardest of hearts.
There will be two performances to allow for everyone in our surrounding areas a chance to see it too. "How Christmas Saved The Grinch." stage play and musical is going to take place on Sunday Dec. 11, 2016 at Glad Tidings Church, on 3400 Texas St. The first show will be at 10:30 a.m., with an encore performance at 6 p.m. For more info go to GladTidingsChurch.com or call (337) 477-7774.
Merry Christmas, to all!