Judge Goes In On Parents Who Killed Their 3 Year Old Daughter [VIDEO]
Being a parent who truly loves my son to the end of the earth and back. I have to say when I saw this I felt a kick in the pit of my stomach. I have always been told that the kids didn't choose to be here and definately didn't choose their parents. Well this judge was no nonsense and truly went in on these parents and they deserved it. Check out the video below of her reaction to the parents.
Judge slays parents who killed their daughter:
Regardless of what your opinion is, I have to say that this was really disturbing and these two will have to deal with it even more then doing jail time. I hope they live with this for the rest of their lives and have no peace. It's a shame that as adults some of us tend to still act like kids and they need to be loved and not abused.