As we are now experiencing the fourth surge of coronavirus in the United States, it is becoming more urgent to get vaccinated against this hideous virus. And more and more businesses, restaurants, music venues, and bars are now requiring proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test to gain entrance. And some companies are even mandating that you need to prove you are vaccinated in order to work there.

If you have a vaccine card, you know it's too big to store in your wallet as a credit card. And frankly, I'm not leaving my house without it anymore. But there is an easy way to keep your card available for if and when you need to show your health status. WWL in New Orleans says that, "according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card is the official record that you were fully vaccinated, but it does not qualify as a vaccine passport for international travel".

In Louisiana, there are several ways to keep your vaccination card handy for display when needed. The LA Wallet App is available in the Apple app and Google Play app stores and will keep a digital copy of your vaccination record. Per WWL "In Louisiana, the official LA Wallet app supports smart health cards and can confirm and display your COVID-19 vaccination status through a secure and confidential connection with the Louisiana Department of Health".  It is also free and will protect the status of your health.

Another app available is VaxYes from GoGetVax. This app works in conjunction with Apple Wallet or Google Pay to display your health certificate. You just have to enter your phone number and upload your vaccination card to the site.

If you don't have a smartphone, you can get a printed copy of your record through the LINKS secure statewide immunization information system.



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