NFL’s Richard Sherman Arrested For Burglary Domestic Violence
Ashley Sherman, the wife of NFL star Richard Sherman left her home and took refuge at her parents house in Redman, Washington with her children early Wednesday morning. Now a free-agent, the cornerback was having a mental episode, according to his wife. She told police he "had caused a large disturbance" that evening and caused her to flee to her parents home out of concern for their safety.
Sherman showed up at his in-laws house and tried to break the door down when they wouldn't let him in. Home surveillance footage, released by the Redmond Police Department, shows the football player ramming into the front door trying to gain entry and yelling outside.
According to ESPN, police received a 911 call at approximately 2 am from his in-laws house stating that an adult family member who did not live there was trying to break-in to the home. When the authorities arrived they found Sherman outside, there was a some sort of scuffle during his apprehension, which resulted in the football player receiving minor lacerations on the leg and ankle by a police dog. Once he was taken into custody, Sherman was booked at the King County Correctional Facility around 6:08 am and now facing a laundry list of charges to include suspicion of burglary domestic violence, suspicion of resisting arrest and malicious mischief.
During a news conference Wednesday afternoon, Redmond Police Department Chief Darrell Lowe said his department may also bring charges of possible misdemeanor DUI and hit-and-run in relation to separate issue that occurred the same day. A toxicology test is pending. The five-time pro bowler was denied bail, which is a standard procedure for a persons for domestic violence. The Redmond Police Department reported that the former 49er's star will remain in custody until his hearing before a judge.
On her husbands mental wellness, Ashley Sherman told police that "when Richard has a mental health episode like this, he does not remember anything about it the next day." At the same time she wanted to make it clear that her husband was a good man. Mrs. Sherman said at a hearing Thursday, “I love and support my husband. I am committed to helping Richard get the support and care that he needs. Richard has always been a loving father and husband. And we are looking forward to seeing him at home with his family.” She further stated to the Seattle Times, "My kids were not harmed in the incident. He's a good person and this is not his character. We're doing all right, just trying to get him out. I want people to know no one was injured."
In 2020 the 33yr old spent seven seasons with the Seattle Seahawks and helped them win their first super bowl in 2014. He just wrapped-up his third season with the San Francisco 49ers and is now a free agent. Hopefully, he and his family can weather this storm and this incident doesn't ruin any future plans he may have to continue a career in the NFL.
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