Phaedra Parks Getting Own Show On The Bravo Network [VIDEO]
I don't know for sure whether she will be leaving The Real Housewives Of Atlanta or if this is just a side gig, but apparently Phaedra Parks will also have a new show in the works on the Bravo network.The show is tentatively called "Rich Peoples Problems" which could be changing depending on their decisions, but the show is based on Atliens who are rich and famous and have disputes. Since Phaedra is a real life attorney she is the one for the job. She has represented many in the industry from her cast mate Kandi to Bobby Brown and more. She will be in charge of helping to settle the disputes of the folks involved in the show. I am sure the show like so many others will be scripted, but it will be interesting to see how it will work out. Now I have to admit I am not a fan of The Real Housewives Of Atlanta, but Phaedra is definately not hard on the eyes.
Phaedra Parks Discussing The Booty Wars With Kenya Moore:
Congratulations on the new show and supposedly a second child for her and Apollo. Make sure you tune in weekly to catch The Real Housewives Of Atlanta on the Bravo Network, and also to catch the finale on Bravo as well.