The City of Lake Charles and Team Green of SWLA are making sure it's easy for you to recycle.  Here's the 2014 recycle & Team Green Truck drop-off schedule.

(Photo by Hunter Martin/Getty Images)
(Photo by Hunter Martin/Getty Images)

Recycling is good for our environment and our planet.  That's why the City of Lake Charles and Team Green of SWLA are making sure it's easy for you to do.  Now more than ever we need to recycle.  With Global Warming changing our climates, it's necessary to find better ways to dispose of our trash and find a new purpose for used materials.  The  City of Lake Charles and Team Green of SWLA are working together to make recycling more convenient.

If you have oil, batteries, and antifreeze, old phones, tires, appliances or a ton of paper there is way for you to dispose of it in an environmentally friendly manner.

For residential trash th City of Lake Charles has curbside collection once a week.  The following is how it works:
  • Place containers on neutral ground or within the premises immediately adjacent to the street the night before or by 7 a.m. the day of collection.
  • Place all garbage into bags inside the containers so the lightweight items don't fly away.
  • Make sure lids or covers on containers are secure.
  • Remove containers 12 hours after collection.
To learn more about the curbside garbage collection visit the City of Lake Charles Solid Waste Division or call the Help-Line at 491-1220.  Big household items like sofas and mattresses, can be picked up on regular garbage days.  For more details on all the things you can recycle, where and when click here.  For the Team Green Truck schedule with times and locations, click here.

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